Translation text issues

A few translation Apps don’t properly support Sticky Cart Pro, so the text on the bar appears inaccurate.  This is easily fixed using custom translation code for these Apps, you’ll just need to add a small snippet.


  1. In the app configuration go to the Advanced Tab.
  2. Copy and paste the following code snippet in the ‘Custom Javascript code‘ box, replacing en: {…} with any language-specific changes you would like:
    var languages = {
      en: {
        buy_button_text: 'Buy Now',
        buy_button_unavailable_text: 'Unavailable',
    var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang');
    var override = languages[lang];
      instance.configuration.buy_button_text = override.buy_button_text;
      instance.configuration.buy_button_unavailable_text = override.buy_button_unavailable_text;


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