Fixing translations

If you have issues with the consistency of translations, or there are a few potential reasons.

Content itself is inconsistent

  • The store is written in more than one language
  • For example some English and some French.  The store content should be edited into one single language throughout, for example all into French.

Default language is different from the content language

  • By default, all Shopify stores are configured with their theme’s language configured as English.
  • The default language setting is different from what the actual store language has been written in.
  • If you’ve added content in another language, it creates a mismatch between the language your store ‘thinks’ it is and the actual language of your content.
  • The app won’t work correctly until the language is changed.


  1. Open your stores’ theme options.
  2. Select Actions, then Edit languages.
  3. Select Change theme language.
  4. Choose your store’s language and select Save.
  5. In the Language Translate app, select Save again to update.

5) After making the change, return to Language Translate and select Save or Install button again to update the App on your store

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